


We Are REWARDING SOLUTIONS Trust the motivated experts at Rewarding Solutions to take on the creditors and get back what you deserve!



We Are REWARDING SOLUTIONS Trust the motivated experts at Rewarding Solutions to take on the creditors and get back what you deserve!

Your Journey to Financial Freedom Starts Here

We Know Credit

Know more than just your score! Repairing your credit is one of the first steps to true financial freedom. Having incorrect information and derogatory marks can cost you hundreds to thousands of dollars over the years due to undeserved higher interest rates on loans, mortgages, and credit cards.

Credit Repair Packages

How It Works

Credit scores are a snapshot of your financial history. The 3 major reporting credit bureaus collect this information and rate it on a scale from 350 – 850.  Your credit score is used to determine key things such as

  • Getting lower interest rates on credit cards
  • Qualifying for personal loans
  • Mortgage approvals and rates
  • Securing low interest car loans

When these bureaus have derogatory information, it can drive down your credit score.  It is our duty to ensure your report has fair and accurate information that best represents you!

Getting derogatory information off reports from ALL 3 bureaus takes time due to the rules and regulations related to the industry. Our team will work diligently to strategically remove items from ALL 3 reporting agencies. Over time your score will increase until you reach your goal. My system allows you to monitor your credit during this process and track our disputes in real time. This allows us to track the removal of items along the process.

Credit Repair Packages

Individual Plan


Couples Plan


Bankruptcy or Child Support Removal

Credit Monitoring

$19.99/mo with $4 trial offer

Client Reviews

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